Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Ten Most Livable Cities in the World!

The Economist Magazine ranked the world's top ten most "livable" cities...and the cities Down Under really came out on top. Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide and Sydney snaked 4 out of the 10 top spots! Canada didn't do so bad either. Sadly, the U.S. was poorly respresented, with no U.S. cities making the list. Better luck to San Diego next year!

The study looked at 5 main categories to determine ranking: stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education, and infastructure.

Here's the list:

Without further ado...Top 10 Most Livable Cities in the World in 2008 according to the Economist Magazine.

1. Vancouver
2. Melbourne
3. Vienna
4. Perth
5. Toronto
6. Helsinki
7. Adelaide
8. Calgary
9. Geneva
10. Sydney

Maybe it's time to throw some shrimp on the barbie!

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